I am the Lord who heals you (Exodus 15:26)

Divine Mercy Healing Center

(Divine Prayer Center)

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Rejoice always. Pray constantly. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

(1Thess. 5:16-18)

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Healing of a Blood Disorder

9 yrs. ago, my husband was diagnosed with a rare blood disease. It was a fatal disease. In JAN. he went to the doctor and the condition got worse. He had to see the doctor more often and was kind of getting close to the final stage. We came here and prayed. Twice the Priest gave a message at different prayer sessions regarding a healing the Lord was granting to someone with a blood disease. On our 3rd visit, I prayed to Jesus to give a sign if this healing is for my husband. And the Priest gave the message again. My husband then went to the doctor and the tests were done in MAY. Contrary to the result in JAN., everything went down, the result got better with no treatment. Who could do that? Only GOD. Thank you Jesus.

---Frederique Michel, Brooklyn, NY.

Healing of Backache

I usually get backache during my periods. I had it on Saturday but during prayers, I did not feel anything in my back and no abdominal pain. When I surrendered the pain vanished. And someone was telling me, '~believe and trust in Jesus to heal you.' Praise be to God.

---Irene Melagire, DE

Financial Blessings

We have an IT-based firm in NY and a man owed us $76000. Every time we called him, he would say, 'it is sent'. For 8 months me & my husband went through a lot of stressful moments, unable to focus. We attended a 1-day Prayer on a 2nd Sat. in FEB, 2011. This guy called us up the very next day(Sunday) and asked us to go over to his house and collect the money. And the check cleared in 2 days and we got the money.

---Margaret Dominic, Staten Island, NY

Blessed with a full time Job

I attended a 3-day Live-in Retreat and went back home. The very next day I recieved the good news that I have been blessed with a full-time job.

---Manju Joseph, NY

Headache Disappeared

I always needed a pill to suppress my severe headache. However, during the Retreat I took part in the praising with all my heart and the ache disappeared.

---Bincy Helen Baby, MD

Freedom from Bedwetting

My son Albin Santhosh(8yr old) is completely healed & free from bedwetting(even with pullups). We were blessed with a new house. My husband recieved healing from the stomach ulcer.

---Jijimol Santhosh, NJ

Pain in Heel and Skin Dryness gone

The pain in my right heel and the dryness of the skin are gone. I am free from the worry about the job.

---Manju Joseph, NY

Good confession and Healings

Felt so relieved after confession. Recieved a better eye-sight. No more numbness in the arm.

---Susy Jacob, PA

Relief from years of knee pain

For 5 years, I was suffering from pain in both of my knees. sought several treatments, physical therapy, chiropractor, medication etc. but nothing helped. My Lord Jesus healed me completely.

---Candice Newnes, CA

Skin Restored

I thank God for the healing of a skin condition.

---Zenaida Macedo

Best CONFESSION ever; Food allergy gone:

Became aware of un-confessed sins. Received freedom from unforgiveness. Had a beautiful confession. It was like my first. I don't eat cheese but here I did. Received Inner peace. Will return to testify what was prophesied. The most exciting thing is that I got my prayer-life back.

---Genny, NJ

It's like HEAVEN here at Divine

Learnt a lot about God. The Lord gave me peace and love to share with others. He healed my back pain. Glad I came here, it's like being in heaven, I really hope more people can come and find out how great it is.

---Elizabeth Arteaga, Oakhurst NJ

Best Retreat Ever

>This was one of the best Retreats I have ever attended and I will encourage others to come and attend a Retreat. My faith in God is much stronger now.

---Jean McClain, NY

Holy Spirit spoke to me

I was very restless when I arrived here. But now I'm at peace. Many messages that were meant for me. Sought guidance in many ways for so many years. Holy Spirit spoke through the Retreat Directors and I got all the answers.

---Deacon Bosco D'couto, Richmond Hill

Emotional Healing

I always have a very close loving relationship to God, the Father since my childhood. A Father- daughter relationship, since I never knew or met my earthly father. I have always prayed for my mother to love me and for me to feel that love. Thanks to my grandma, I've been a spiritual person. And in the last 5 years, my mother & I got closer. But 2 years ago she was diagnosed with lung cancer. I was very optimistic. I prayed & fasted. I shared the Gospel and did charity. But my mother passed away last year, and my heart & spirit was completely broken. I couldn't smile. I became angry at God. Felt meaningless & purposeless. I came here and after the Retreat, I can feel my heart is not as broken & empty as it was before. I feel lighter and praying for continuous healing.

---Halad, NY

Mammogram Test-Clear & Biopsy report-Good

During my previous retreat, I was very worried as I was told my mammogram test was not very clear. I had to do additional tests and then had to get a biopsy done. The biopsy test went well and Praise God the report was good

---Susan Fernandes, Harrisburg, PA.

Fear during Pregnancy Gone

By the grace of God, I was carrying my 5th baby. I'd a fear about the pain in my leg throughout the pregnancy. During the Retreat, the Lord revealed through the Priest that fear is being removed from 2 pregnant ladies. I was free from fear. Praise the Lord.

---Jereena. G, Morrisplains, NJ

Healing of the Back after 9 years & Deep Divine Experience

Had a good confession. I had back pain for almost 9 years (after kneeling and getting up from the ground) I use to get back pain for hours. I never got the pain when I prayed kneeling and lying on the floor on Saturday. It is completely gone. Jesus healed me completely. Thank you Lord. On the last day of the Retreat, I was able to attend the Holy Mass without getting distracted. I had a very holy experience during that time. It felt like I was standing on fire the whole time.

---Amala Jose, NJ

Forgave my Father

I was able to completely forgive my father during the Inner Healing Adoration. I was able to recall the good things he had done for me. So far I was brooding the harm he'd done to me and all my family members. Not anymore. Glory to Jesus.

---Mathew P, Bergenfield, NJ

Best Confession Ever & Ulcers healed

I'd a wonderful experience at the retreat center. This is the first time in my life I had a great confession and as a result God heals me from stomach ulcers and I felt peace from a lot of wound in my life. Praise God.

---Edeline COQ, West Orange, NJ

Answers thru the Word of God

Thank you Jesus for the wonderful experience at the retreat. I am able to pray really well. As Fr. Joshy preached about Family Life & I got an answer to my problems.

---Nayanthara Mathew, Old Bridge NJ

Shoulder Pain Gone

I had a shoulder pain for over an year and it was healed during the Saturday's Healing-adoration. Filled with peace, love, joy & amazing strength to face any obstacle with Christ. I am filled with desire to be closer to Jesus more and more as a family.

---Rasanga, Bronx, NY

Gift of Tears during Confession & Vision

I had a vision of high waters flooding the center. Cried from the beginning of the retreat to the end. The waters were from the heart of Jesus and from His side, washing and healing. I had the gift of tears during confession - it was unlike any other confession. Very peaceful. Also, during healing adoration, the body of Jesus in the monstrance appeared in pink puffy flesh color. Through it were three darker red stripes. I heard the message: 'By my stripes you are healed'. This vision was during the entire healing service.

---Patricia Hess, Medford NJ

High Fever leaves the Boy

Received inner-healing & had a good confession and inner healing. My son had high fever on the 1st and 2nd day of the retreat. He got better miraculously on the 3rd day and he was back to normal. He's going back as a happy, cheerful kid. Praise God

---Iris Mukalel, Somerset NJ

Healing in the Fingers

Had a good confession. Pain in the fingers has gone. Now I'm able to bend and straighten fingers without any issues. Thank you Jesus.

---Ann Joseph,Livingston,NJ

Knees made strong and message to quit smoking

Made a good confession. For the first time I could attend a full mass kneeling down. God is telling me not to smoke anymore.

---Nikhil Varghese, NY

Healing after an Accident & Surgery

I was healed from my right knee pain. Last year I had an accident wherein I had surgery. Did physiotherapy for 2 months and was able to walk. But still could not kneel down for long time or run. But today Jesus touched me, I was able to kneel during Holy Mass. I Praise the Lord my Healer. During these days of prayer, I learned to become more calm, control my anger. And above all live with my husband and children more peacefully. Praise the Lord.

---Reena George,Paramus, NJ

Improved Blood Circulation

Since 2007, I'd suffering from poor blood circulation to my legs and had pain all the time. During the Retreat, I experienced heat in both of my legs and all pain was gone. I felt very light. Great joy and peace fills my heart. Experienced love & presence of the Holy Spirit all through. My faith is renewed and I feel a great love for Jesus

---Sr.Bernadette Gachiri, Elmer, NJ

Attended Retreat with our special needs son

We always desired to attend a Retreat as a family with our special needs son. I was nervous to bring him to the Retreat. I took the Word of God from the Priest over the phone to pray & prepare. And consequently confidence set in. We had a fruitful Retreat. Our son co-operated so well and was calm during the Retreat. On the 3rd day, I experienced the Lord's touch and my shoulder was healed.

---Naveen Sequiera, Basking Ridge, NJ

Healing of Endometriosis

I have been suffering from Endometriosis for many years. Last year I attended a 3-Day Live-in Retreat at Divine Mercy Healing Center. After the Retreat I returned home healed. I haven't had the problem since then.

---Maureen Nwoye, Richmond, VA

Best Confession Ever

For the first time in my life, I experienced sure grace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I feel so grateful, so indebted to Jesus for such love & grace.

---Sr.Anee Mugo, Elmer, NJ

Strength to the Legs

I broke my kneecap and so couldn't walk without a cane. The wonderful Lord healed me and I was able to kneel and walk without a cane. Lot of Fear & anxiety in life disappeared.

---Regina Sibiri, Brooklyn, NY

Received Blessings & became a Blessing

I'd been suffering from a pain in my shoulder for 2 long years. Jesus healed me in this place and I have been blessed with a new job in Canada. By the grace of God, I was able to bring my brother & others to the Retreats. And they are saved & blessed.

---Dean Fernandes, Harrisburg, PA

ENT Prob. Gone & Healing after Brain surgery

I cancelled my GI appointment on June 19 to come to the Retreat. The 3-Day Retreat was a blessing. And later, the ENT Specialist couldn't find the fish bone in my throat. I attended the Retreat also to thank the Lord for healing my daughter who underwent a brain surgery. Thank you Jesus. God bless Divine Mercy Center.

---Joyce Peters Natter, NY

Ready to die for Jesus!

Had severe problem with my heel for many years due to injury. Heel wasn't straight and had difficulty while walking. God healed it. The Lord has given me more strength to be His witness. And I want to die for Jesus. Praise U Jesus

---Babu Antony, Westwood, NJ

Power of Prayer travels miles

I requested prayers at the Divine Mercy Healing Center for my mom who was seriously ill back home. She was admitted in the ICU. I was given a healing Word of God by the priest to be read & prayed. Everyday my mother got better. On the first day of my Retreat she was already home. Praise the Lord.

---Kennedy Doss, East Brunswick, NJ

Blessed to see the Face of Jesus

During the healing adoration, Jesus my Lord and Savior let me see His human face thrice. I thank Jesus for His presence and the Father for His love for us.

---Claudette Exil, Union, NJ

Sacrament of Confession after 20 years

It was an amazing experience I had during Confession after almost 20 years. As I was confessing my sins to the priest, I felt pain leaving my body and a large weight being lifted off me. Glory to YOU Jesus.

---Jackie Alexsandra, Montclair, NJ

Prayed for a Child and Blessed with Twins

We got married in 2010 and for 3 years we have been praying for the gift of a child. In Sept. 2013, we attended a Retreat here at Divine Mercy Center and in Dec. we realized that God was so gracious to us. Our joy was doubled at the birth of healthy Twins, Asher & Annabel. All Glory & Thanksgiving to Jesus.

---Anto & Anu, Yonkers, NY.

Better Eyesight

During my Retreat here at Divine, I observed lesser pain in my back and my health is okay. The Lord touched my eyes and my eyesight has improved. In Jesus Name, Amen.

---Dean Fernandes, Harrisburg, PA.

Visa Approval & Healing

I earnestly prayed for the Visa-approval of my Sister & Family at this Divine Prayer Center and the whole family has been able to attend a Live-in Retreat as a thanksgiving to Jesus for the blessing. Pain in the body, ankle and knees has disappeared. Thank you Jesus.

---Mrs.Gracy D'Cunha, Staten Island, NY

Plantar Fasciitis healed

I was suffering from Plantar Fasciitis for 4 years. Jesus healed me at this Retreat. Praise the Lord

---Apnamol Thuruthikara, NJ

Forgave & Got Healed

I was able to forgive certain people. I am healed of my pain in the knee and ankle. Glory to God.

---Nima Andrews

Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit

During the Retreat, I realized my mistakes, sins. Received healing in the elbow. I understood the worth of my wife, children & family. I experienced a complete healing during my confession and was filled with God's love. Getting leave from work (boss was muslim) was a miracle. Thank you Jesus

---Lalakatissa, Secaucus, NJ

Healing after 20 years

I was suffering from neck pain and headache for over 20 years After the retreat I never got it. I feel healed by the love of Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Glory to you Lord.

---Alex Fernando

Blessing of a child

Felt peace & joy from within. We attended prayers and retreats here and prayed for a child. Now we are blessed with a baby boy. I had a great experience of the Holy Spirit during the adoration. Burdens and pains are all gone. Thank you Jesus.


Better eye-sight

I did understand the importance of forgiveness and the power of the Holy Eucharist. Learnt how to be a better parent. In the retreat I have improved my eye-sight. Thank you Jesus.

---George Kokkatt, NY

Deep Faith in the Eucharist

Regarding my faith in the Holy Eucharist, something in me has totally changed. Now I have a deep faith that it is Jesus' body and blood in the Eucharist. I participate in the holy sacrifice of the Mass with complete devotion and feel closer to Jesus than I ever experienced. Pain in my left knee & the calf muscle are healed. Glory to You Jesus.

---Chinnamma C., MD.

Integral Healing-body, mind & spirit

I had a problem to forgive people who had wounded me in my childhood. The areas that needed deliverance were pride & hatred. When I confessed the sin of pride, I felt the peace of the Lord in my heart. I was healed of itching ear and bursitis on the knee. Thank you Jesus for healing me.

---Alan Gonsalves

No more cramps

This was my first Retreat. Came with back-ache & cramps in my left leg. I was praying to God with tears to relieve me from the back pain. And HE touched me & I'm healed. Thank You Lord.

---Sarin Abraham, Brooklyn, NY

Healing after 16 years

Following an accident, 16yrs ago, I'd been to doctors, chiropractors & osteopath and suffered pain. None could help. After a deep & thorough confession and then forgiving people in my life the Lord has healed my left arm & shoulder completely. I can raise my hand & praise God for hours. Received emotional healing from depressed, inferior, & insecure feelings. Am filled with courage. Glory to You Lord.

---Ramona Cychner

Missionary Work

When I heard a message during prayer given by one of the priests, mentioning missionary work, I felt happy, accepted, renewed. He thinks it might be my calling. Now I know God is true & real. All the worldly songs stuck in my head disappeared and the only songs I heard in the night were from the Lord. I felt immense peace flow.

---Teena Roy

Decision to love & freedom from pains

I made a decision to treat my children with the love & kindness of God. Problem in my lower back & hip are gone. Got a greater understanding of the Word of God and the Mass. Praise You Jesus.

---Monique Dure-Marcy, NY

Healing & Vision

After the Mass, on the 2nd day of the Retreat, my knees didn't hurt at all. I had a strange experience. I began to feel like the ball joint of the knee was spinning and seemed like my knee was changing for a few minutes. Praise the Lord for this healing.

---Calvin Fernandes

Blurred vision gone

Made a very good confession. Pain in the eyes, blurred vision are gone. Healing to my arm as well. Thank you Jesus.

---Susy Jacob

Healing after Confession

I was healed of my pain in the chest. Got an instantaneous relief after making a good confession. My selfish attitude has vanished.

---Martha Fernandes

Wrist healed

Received healing in the wrist. Had a nice prayer experience. I shall encourage others to come for a retreat.

---Annie Fernandes

Amazing Inner Healing

My parents divorced when I was 2 months old. My dad rejected me when I was 8 years old and 16 years old when I met him on the road. I do not know whether he is dead or alive. I realized I blocked him out completely from my thoughts. For the first time, during this 3-day Retreat, I forgave him in the retreat and confessed my anger, bitterness, rejection and all the wounds. Thank you Jesus.
